Federation University Australia performance in year 2018
Federation University Australia has continued to rank high throughout year 2018 in national and state rankings in Australia.
Employers in Australia are tremendously impressed with the skills and knowledge of Federation University Australia graduates when they join the workforce after their graduation. The Employer Satisfaction Survey (ESS), released in January by the Federal Department of Education and Training observed that FedUni graduates are among Australia’s top universities in key areas. Employer supervisors ranked FedUni graduates 93.9% for Employability skills, 98.5% for Technical skills and 96.9% for Adaptive skills. These statistics are the best in Australia for key graduate attributes.

Recently the Australian Good Universities Guide has ranked FedUni in the first place in Victoria state for graduates’ starting salary, which is above the national average. FedUni is also ranked first in Victoria for student support and social impartiality. Additionally, the Federation University Australia five star fields of study are business and management; computing and information systems; creative arts; engineering; health services and support; humanities; social sciences; psychology; science and mathematics; and teacher education.
The Quality Indicators for Learning and Teaching (QILT) announced that FedUni graduates have an employment rate of 90.6 percent and an average salary of $60,000, the highest of Victorian-headquartered universities. FedUni also ranked number one in Victoria for student support, teaching scale and skill development. Of the 13 indicators, Federation University Australia has been ranked above the Australia national average in 10.